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Torent Lume

Etheridge Knight,Toni Morrison,and Alice Walker, have noted that they were greatly itiflitenced b>the works of Diinbar. In one aspect,the v(, lume linder review here is a testi] 11() ily tc) that fact. In His Ott,n Voice editors Herbert Woodward Martin and Rc, nald Primea, 1 enable uS to experience the more coinplex,subtle,aiid witty side of Dunbar as a " dramatist" through numeroils previously inaccessible literary works. ( xxiv) M() re specifically, the editors proclaim that this volume rests on the notion that l) unbar, if nothing else, was a great shortstory writer and essi>ist." ( xxiv) Martin And Primeau's volume is divided both chrc, iiologicallr and thematically into fc, ur distinctive sections. Iii part one,the editors place Dunbar's writings in tlie cotitext of his life. Here wesee how Dunbar' s abilities to produce plays and songs such as " Herrick, The Gambler' s Wife," " Dream Lovers." and " Iii Dihomey"underscore his exceptic, nal cominand of the literary concepts of " irony and nuance." ( 3) In part two,the editors showcase fifteen previc, usly unknown essays by Dunbar liicluding " Dickens . ind Thackey," " Etigland as Seen br i Black Man." " The Tuskegee Meeting, and " The Leader of His Race. These essays criticize the " doublestindards " of the United States' criminal justice systein and enierging class divisions iii the African American coinniunity with the rise of Bc) c) ker T. Washington, as well as vari( us other issues that shaped the lives d many Black Americans during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Here Martin and Primcau conclude that these works " provide even more evidence of Dunbar's lifeloiig commitment to the politics, religioii, art, and cust(, ms of tile African American cominunity over a hundred years ago. ( 165) Finally, parts three and four contain numerous previously published essays, articles, sholt stories, and poems written by Dunbar but not published in book form. According t() Martin and Primeau,these works powerfully illustrate Dunbar's own distitictive artistic Vision. ( 215) Martin and Primeau's in His Own Voice is an exceptional collection that succinctly captures the FALL 2 0 05 passion,potency,and impact of the works of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Tlie editors lise both previouslf known and newly discovered literir>' pieces to highlight various dimensions ot Dunbar's vork that most people have failed to recognize. Without question, the authors should be commended for such a meticulously researched and carefull> crafted vc, lume. Nevertheless, there, ire solve shortcotiiings. One weakness is thar the different sectiotis ot the volume are unevenly organized in length. Secondly, the iii() vellient frc) in a chrc) nological tc)thematic approach ,at times,is confusing to the reader. Despite these minor shoi-toomings, horvezer. this r(, lume adds much to and deepens our understanding of Dunbar as the greatest African American poet prior to the Harlem Renaissance Era. Eric Jackson Northern Kejitucky Uilit' ersity Tammy Horn. Bees in America:How tbe Honey Bee Shaped a Nation. 1.exington: University Press of Kentucky, 2005. 352 pp. ISBN: 08131235(} x ( cloth), $ 27.50. 0 much depends on the tin\'but industrious honey bee. In California. for instance, the 1. 5 billion almond industry could not stirvive without the pollination services provided by the state's 500,000 bee colonies. Indeed, to produce California's enormous almond crop,growers must call upon the assistance of Montana and Dakota beekeepers who truck in another 500,000 cc, loiies every February and March. At the height of the annual almond blc, om,fully twothirds of America's commercial bee cc, lonies are deployed throughout California's 500, 000 acres of almond orchards. While the almond provides the iliOSt dramatic example ,it is not the only farm product that requires the aid of the honey bee to achieve cominercial yields. Across the nation, bees pollinate over one 95 BOOK REVIEWS hundred crops that generate a combined annual value of up to $ 15 billion . This essential work is not done for free. Farmers have to rent the services of the bees,and the insects' huinan keepers often earn more from such reiitaIs than they do f 0 17 honey or beeswax productio i. Api culturists in California, A ner ca...

torent Lume

In 2005, the stadium gained national attention when the visiting New York Giants committed 11 false start penalties.[85][94] Seahawks head coach Mike Holmgren attributed the penalties to the enthusiasm and noise from the crowd. He dedicated the ball used to make the game-winning field goal to the fans, and it is now displayed at the stadium.[95] The Giants' general manager, Ernie Accorsi, asked an NFL senior vice president whether the Seahawks had broadcast artificial crowd noise over the public address system during this game.[96] The NFL sent a memorandum early in the 2006 season about such complaints and sent officials to monitor two games.[84] Holmgren denied the allegations, and the crowd responded by being even louder than usual when the Giants returned to Qwest Field.[96][97] Since 2005 the Seahawks have tracked the number of false starts committed by visiting teams and display the statistic on a scoreboard to motivate the crowd. As of 2013, the stadium has had a league-high number of false starts since.[98][99][100] In preparation for the 2005 NFC Championship Game at Qwest Field, the Carolina Panthers practiced with the recorded sounds of jet engines in the background to prepare for the volume of the crowd.[101]


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