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260K Italy.txt

LineDateSizeAuthorDescription Kemijarvi-Helsinki12/2/0715kTapani KunnasThis layout includes the longest route in Finland: from Kemijärviin Lapland to Helsinki in Southern Finland, total length is 983 km.The readme file includes details about the line. Oulu12/2/076kTapani KunnasOulu Station and surrounding stations from Tuira to Pikkarala and Kempele.The readme file includes details about the line. France LineDateSizeAuthorDescription Parigi - line RER B10/31/20379 kBClément DebrieRegional metropolitan line RER B that crosses Paris from north-east to south-west.More info at the dedicated page. Paris St Lazare and J line10/31/20300 kBClément DebrieStation of Paris St. Lazare and suburban line J towards Normandy.More info at thededicated page. Strasbourg 201610/31/201.7 MBClément DebrieUpdate of the railroad network around Strasbourg, in the Bas Rhine and Alsace region of Francewith the high-speed branch added in 2016 and the new train schedule.More info at the dedicated page. Strasbourg 20145/23/201.7 MBClément DebrieRail network around Strasbourg, in the Bas Rhine and Alsace region of France.More info at the dedicated page. LGV Rhin-Rhône3/12/17152kArnaud FrisettiRhin-Rhône French high speed line, with the Besançon TGV and Belfort-Montbeliard TGV stations. Vallee du Doubs3/12/17840kArnaud FrisettiLines converging to the Besançon Viotte station. Large layout with many branches. 311 trains. RER D8/8/162.6MBJ. IrebioNorth section of the RER's D Line (Paris metropolitan transportation system)from Orry La Ville to Villeneuve Saint Georges, via Paris's Gare de Lyon.High frequency passenger train traffic. Veynes2/3/16909kSebastien TetazThis layout shows the SNCF's network in South Alps (France). More than 400 km of lines are simulated; the whole network is with single track lines.Trains movement is computed with 2016 schedules.This layout uses the SNCF's signalisation scripts created by Paolo Rosati and the material icons file created by Arnaud Frisetti.Thanks for their work.(Note: scroll down to the middle of the window to see the tracks in the simulator).Massif Central 19842/2/16176kSebastien TetazThis layout shows the SNCF's network in Massif Central (center of France). The total length of lines is about one thousand kilometers,most of them are with single track. Trains movement is computed with summer's 1984 schedules. This layout uses the SNCF's signalisationscripts and icons created by Paolo Rosati.Lyon's Hub2/1/16359kbipbipLyon's Hub, updated to the 2013 scheduel. Heavy traffic with more than one thousand train per day!Many switchboards have been created for main stations in the scenario.Montpelier Tram1/12/16289kDavid BurtonTram lines in Montpelier. The simulation by default directs trains automatically, but the userhas the option to manually operate the main two branching intersections by clicking on the+ button found on the layout. More than 1360 trains are found in a workday schedule. Marseille St.Charles12/4/1588kClaudeMarseille St.Charles station, in the south of France.A "classic" layout with about 400 treins. Narbonne11/17/1516kClaudeNarbonne station and surrounding stations, in the South of France, serving the lines from Montpellier to Toulouse and Spain.A "classic" layout with about 170 trains. Noisy-le-sec8/22/132.8MHernandez SergeCommuter lines from Paris Est to various suburbs, such as Le Chesnay, Les Ivris and Valenton.As expected, heavy passenger traffic, requiring extreme caution in the routing of the various trains. Paris Suburbs H10/7/12500kDenis AugerLine H of the Paris suburbs. Marh 2012 schedule. The included .doc file (in English)has a map of the network section and a description of the simulation. Including theempty stock movements (with real scheduled times from SNCF information), there are920 trains to dispatch. Wow!Requires the new French signals package,also created by Denis Auger. St.Etienne hub12/2/0996kFreddy DulepaSt. Etienne hub, with the lines towards Lyon, Le Puy en Velay, Roanne, Montbrisson Clermont Ferrand.Thursday is the day with the most intense traffic.TGV Atlantique(automatic version)5/1/096/2/0943k33kFreddy DulepaGérard NiotTGV Atlantique line, from Paris-Massy to Tours and Le Mans.Rhone Valley3/18/0944kDenis AugerRhone Valley lines around the city of Valence, from Vienne, Rhone, to Montelimar,on the Paris-Lyon-Mediterranean Sea line.Savoy 200531/12/0620kClem'sThe Savoy line, around the station of Chambery. Lyon hub31/12/0658kbipbipThe Lyon's hub. A large and complex scenario. Lyon's Tramway3/11/06142kJF LookTramway lines of Lyon (24 km of lines). Northern TGV3/11/0668kSebastien TetazBullet train line (LGV) between Paris and Bruxelles - Calais,plus the high-speed line "Interconnexion" that surroundsParis with service to the Charles de Gaulle airport.400km of double track line with 300 km/h trains.Timetable of winter 2006.Arras3/11/0627kVasquezThe Arras station is a medium importance station with regional and TGV trains. Rennes-Chateaubriant3/11/06119kX73500Country line of about 30 km between Rennes and Chateaubriant.The limited traffic (about 30 trains) allows beginners tofamiliarize themselves with Train Director. Tolouse hub3/11/06304kJF LoockTolouse hub, with more than 400 trains running on 544 km of lines.The difficulty is caused by single track lines, manual signallingand fixed schedule timetables.This requires a slow simulation speed. Agen-Montauban3/11/0615kJF LoockLine between Agen and Montauban, on the Bordeaux - Tolouse line. Paris-Marseille12/5/0424kSebastien TetazFrench bullet train (LGV) from Paris to Marseille.750 km, 250 TGV per day, no room for error. Trains run at 300 km/h. Germany LineDateSizeAuthorDescription Cloppenburg 202110/3/21153kKay-Martin HanschmannCloppenburg is a layout with a single track line from Osnabrueck to Oldenburg and a side line to Delmenhorst.Original timetable for passengers from Summer 2021. Requires the DB signals package.Eilenburg 199110/3/21151kKay-Martin HanschmannEilenburg 1991 is a single station layout with a lot of traffic from 5 lines enteringthis station north-east of Leipzig. Both the track layout and original passenger timetableare from 1991. Freight trains are imaginary. Requires the DB signals package.Prenzlau 199110/3/21142kKay-Martin HanschmannPrenzlau 1991 is a single station layout with a lot of traffic from the main lineBerlin-Stralsund and 3 branch lines converging here. Both the track layoutand original passenger timetable are from 1991. Freight trains are imaginary.Requires the DB signals package.Dorsten 19515/7/1651kKay-Martin HanschmannDorsten station, in the Ruhr region of Germany, north of Duisburg as it was in 1951(using standard Train Director signals).Dorsten 20156/16/16149kKay-Martin HanschmannDorsten station, in the Ruhr region of Germany, north of Duisburg.Erzgebirge 20144/23/1634kKay-Martin HanschmannA single track route running through the beautiful region called Erzgebirge in the South of Saxony(timetable No. 517 from Deutsche Bahn) with 2014 timetable.Flensburg-Eckernfoerde9/5/1529kKay-Martin HanschmannPart of the single track route from Kiel to Flensburg with traffic how it could have beenin the late 1970s. Track layout from original plans, timetable imaginary.Frankfurt am Main5/7/16370kKay-Martin HanschmannBiggest terminus station in Germany with 25 platforms. The timetable is from January 2014.All arriving trains have below their front icon a number for the destination platform.A departing trains show an additional letter for their destination and a two-digit number indicating their departure minute (orange on black).Updated to use new German signals package.Hagen-Dieringhausen19141950201411/30/1460k58k39kKay-Martin Hanschmann100 years of evolution of the same line.The route runs from Hagen to Dieringhausen in the moutain area of Sauerland and Bergisches Land in Northrhine-Westphalia. Most of the line south of Bruegge was closed down for passenger trains in the 1970s and a lot of branch lines also disappeared. At the moment there is a lot of track work, because in 2015 the passenger trains shall run the complete route again. At Deutsche Bahn homepage, this line can be found with numbers 434 Hagen-Brügge and 459 Meinerzhagen-Dieringhausen.Compare the 2014 layout with the real layout of the 1950s (thanks to The timetable is fictional, but the layout is real.The same layout is also shown from 100 years ago, with the original passenger trains timetable(thanks to and the estimatedfreight trains timetable, with steam trains running up and down the valley of the Vollme river.Erzgebirge30/11/1472kKay-Martin HanschmannA single track route running through the beautiful region called Erzgebirge in the South of Saxony (today timetable No. 517 from Deutsche Bahn). The timetable includes more traffic than there may have been ever and shall represent the 1970s, when all branch lines and freight traffic was still running. Four narrow gauge railways are also included, though only at the connecting stations with normal gauge. Some scripting is included regarding automatic train assignment and reverse of trains.Luenen-Muenster6/16/16147kKay-Martin HanschmannAnother North Rhine-Westphalia layout with a single-track mainline built in the 1920s. Due to the amount of traffic and the importance of the line, it shall be extended to a two-tack line in the next years. Complete timetable (1987).Trier-Bullay2/22/1422kKay-Martin HanschmannPart of the Moselbahn line Luxembourg-Trier-Koblenz. Timetable for the early morning hours in summer 2012. Some trains not running the complete line have letters below the train icon to indicate the destination.Osnabrueck-Bremen2/22/1449kKay-Martin HanschmannThis two-track mainline connection between Osnabrueck and Bremen has a lot of traffic. The passenger timetable is from 2010 showing the first morning hours of the day. To make it a little bit easier to handle, the trains have letters below their icons to indicate their destination. Borken 1951Borken 196811/30/1410/3/2180k169kKay-Martin HanschmannLayout of the railway connections of Borken, Westphalia, situated close to the borders of theNetherlands.The 1950s has still cross-border traffic. The timetable is fictitious but shall give an impression of the traffic of those days.All trains have a letter below their icon to show their destination.The 1968 version includes the lines from Ahaus to Borken, Winterswijk to Dorsten, and Bocholt to Coesfeld.Based on original track layouts from 1968 (though Rhedebruegge was already reduced at 1964 to two tracks,Burlo might have also been reduced to 3 tracks) Borken track layout is slightly simplified(1-2 tracks removed) to make it playable. Timetable is the original reconstruction from 1968(Kursbuch 1968). Freight trains are based on 1967 timetable; Ueg's, Klv trains, and freighttrains Ahaus/Vreden-Borken are imaginary.Today Borken is a terminus for passenger trains to / from Essen via Dorstenand the last layout station receiving freight is Deuten. Italy LineDateSizeAuthorDescription Castelli Romani 20231/6/233.6 MBPaolo GronchiSimulation of the lines serving the Roman Castles area, South of Rome, with 2023 timetable.More details at thededicated page.Milan-Treviglio11/7/2279kMattia SaviSimulation of the Milan-Treviglio section of the Milan-Venice line.Regional Trenord services and long-distance Trenitalia services with 2022 timetable.More details at thededicated page.Rome Termini10/28/22784 kBPaolo GronchiSimulazione della stazione di Roma TerminiMore details at thededicated page. Naples Hub10/14/22412 kBIvano AulettaSimulation of Naples's Hub. Summer 2022 timetable.More details at thededicated page. Roma Cintura6/1/221.1 MBPaolo GronchiSimulation of the Rome belt lines, excluding the Rome Termini station.More details at thededicated page. Ancona-Pescara5/18/22280 kBIvano AulettaSimulation of the section Ancona-Pescara on the Adriatic Railway. Winter 2021/2022 timetable.More details at thededicated page. Voghera2/21/22681 kBIvano AulettaSimulation of the Voghera station, on the Milan-Genoa and Turin-Alessandria-Piacenza-Bologna lines. Winter 2021/2022 timetable.More details at thededicated page. Modena1/11/221.2 MBPaolo GronchiSimulation of the lines around the town of Modena, both regional and high-speed.Many more details at thededicated page. Saronno-Como-Varese-Novara-Malpensa12/7/21293 kBAndrea ColomboSimulation of the lines managed by Ferrovie Nord that branch from the station of Saronno towardsComo Nord Lago, Varese-Laveno, Novara Nord and Malpensa airport.Many more details at thededicated page. Gallarate-Luino 202011/25/212.2MBDavide BiancoLine Gallarate - Luino, north-west of Milan, with passenger and freight traffic and the branches towards Oleggio, Arona and Varese.The pdf file (in Italian) included in the package has a detailed description of the lines and stationscovered by the simlation. Timetable June-December 2020.Arezzo10/3/21976 kBPaolo GronchiSimulation of the lines around the town of Arezzo, both regional and high-speed.Many more details at thededicated page. Rome-Minturno6/19/21413 kBIvano AulettaSimulation of the section Rome - Minturno-Scauri of the "Direttissima" Rome-(Formia-Gaeta)-Naples. Winter 2020/2021 timetable.Many more details at thededicated page. Napoli-Battipaglia5/26/21364kSalvatore PalmaLines that connect Naples to Battipaglia. The layout covers a large area,and is best viewed on a very large screen, especially in the vertical dimension.It's possible to connect this scenario with the other scenarios that basically coverthe entire Tyrrenian route from Naples to Reggio Calabria,Acqui Terme hub5/17/21687 kBPaolo GronchiSimulation of the lines around the Acqui Terme station.Many more details at the dedicated page.Cadorna-Asso4/11/21195 kbAndrea & Omar ColomboSimulation of the suburban line Milan Cadorna-Canzo managed by Ferrovienord.This line is crossed by other regional lines, but it mostly supports commuter trafficwith a set time schedule.The page shown in the "Info" tab (in Italian) explains how to control the simulation.The authors thank the people who tested the scenario and reported errors and suggestions. Napoli-Salerno2/3/211.1 MbIvano AulettaSimulation of the Naples-Salerno area, with both the historic and "by the Vesuvius" lines. 2021 timetable.Many more details at the dedicated page. Savona2/1/212.2 MBPaolo GronchiSimulation of the Savona station on the line from Genoa to France,and the sections from San Giuseppe di Cairo to Savona, on the lines to Alessandria and Turin. Requires version 3.9.2 and the RFI signal package version 5.1.Benevento11/13/20762 kBPaolo GronchiSimulation of the lines converging on Benevento, in Southern Italy.Many more details at the dedicated page.Formia - Naples 19779/29/202.1MBValerio VarrialeFormia - Naples section, with the original 1977 timetable.Many more details at the dedicated page. Cuneese 20198/11/20684 kBGilberto ZaraSimulation of the lines between Turin and Cuneo.Many more details at the dedicated page.Milan Central 20206/12/20138 kBLuca MazzuccoMarco LandoneSimulation of the Milan Central Station, updated to the 2020 timetable.Many more details at the dedicated page.Naples North5/23/202.2 MBPaolo GronchiSimulation of the rail network north of Naples, including the high-speed line Rome-Naples.Many more details at the dedicated page.Roma - Viterbo 19725/10/20673kValerio VarrialeLines Rome Trastevere-Capranica Sutri-Viterbo, Viterbo-Orte, Capranica Sutri-Orte, with the actual timetable from 1972.The simulation is midly challenging, so a 5x simulation speed is advised, except when traffic is especially intense.It is important to handle the single-track lines traffic, especially in the section with intense urban traffic.More details in the included pdf file (in Italian). Rome Metro A4/1/201.2MStefano Di GiambattistaLine A of Rome's Metro. As with many subway systems, traffic picks up pretty quickly as many trains enter thetracks and shuttle from end to end. In addition to the info found on Wikipediaa detailed user manual (in Italian) is included in the zip file.Do note that the simulation uses a custom version of the RFI Signals v4.2 package,which must be replaced by hand. Also, if one wishes to simulate traffic for Fridays, Saturdaysor Sundays, one must manually copy the corresponding schedule file from the "ORARIO TRENI" folderinto the main folder.Rome Metro B3/16/20973kMarco CiaffeiAndrea Maria D'EmidioCarlo Andrea TortorelliLine B of Rome's Metro. As with many subway systems, traffic picks up pretty quickly as many trains enter the tracksand shuttle from end to end. Wikipedia has a pagewith notes and a chart of the line.Caserta2/9/20239kGeneroso PaolellaStation of Caserta, 2019 timetable.Milan Certosa-Rho 2020web plug-in1/28/20433kLuca MazzuccoMarco LandoneSimulation of the Milan Certosa station, with the branching lines towards Rho.December 2019 timetable. Requires version 3.9v or newer of Train Director, and the RFI signal package version 4.6.A pdf file (in Italian) that describes the simulation is included in the zip file.Moreover, it's avaliable a web plug-in to manage itineraries via an external web browser byproviding the start and end point of an itinerary via the keyboard. This may be faster thanselecting the itinerary via the Ctrl-I dialog in the game.A pdf file (again in Italian) is available in the file.Unzip this file in the folder that contains the traindir.exe file to make it visible to the game.Palermo-Agrigento12/14/191MBClaudio NovelloPalermo - Agrigento line.Giovi11/7/19700kBPaolo GronchiSimulation of the Giovi Lines, that connect Genoa to Piedmont andLombardy. Two double-track lines are used: local traffic uses the Busalla line,while long-distance traffic usually goes via the Mignanego line.An additional challenge is due to the reduction of tracks entering/exitingGenoa Sampierdarena caused by the collapse of the Morandi Bridge. Thisforces all traffic to be routed on the remaining double-track line.Additional complexity is added by a section to/from Savona (a semi-metropolitanline with traffic to the French border) and Ovada/Acqui (local traffic).An attached Word file (in Italian) has additional details about the simulation.Siracusa-Lentini dir.-Gela7/20/191MBClaudio NovelloSimulation of 2 lines in Sicily: the Lentini Diramazione - Syracuse,and Lentini Diramazione - Caltagirone - Gela.These had light passenger and freight traffic until several years ago.The simulation does not use any automation, so the player must dispatchall trains using the switches and signals.An included Word file (in Italian) describes the author's choices in the design of the simulation.Treviglio-Brescia7/14/19293kBPaolo GronchiSimulation of the Treviglio-Brescia section of the long-distance line between Milan and Venice.The simulatio is quite complex and difficult, with almost 1000 trainsincluding passenger and freight traffic, which may use differing pathsas indicated in each train's notes (in Italian).Conegliano Veneto6/13/1914kAndrea PizzolatoConegliano Veneto's station, on the Mestre-Udine line, with the branch to Ponte Alpi.2018/2019 Winter timetable. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday there's some shunting trains to the Zoppas yard.Set automatic signals to green before starting. Requires the RFI signals package.Line Mestre-Bassano5/13/1918kAndrea PizzolatoMestre-Bassano line, with regioal train scheduled every 30 minutes, plus 2 repair night trains.Lines around Belluno 20193/27/1960kLuca MazzuccoLines of the Belluno and Alto Trevigiano areas (Conegliano-Ponte n


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